GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a free static website hosting service. It's very convenient to have a nice website for your GitHub projects. However, if your project is precisely a website, GitHub Pages can be used as the actual deployment!

This section is mostly about how to write a GitHub Action to automate that deployment process. It's not too much work, so let's get started.

A new workflow for automatic deployment

First, we need a new workflow. There should already be a couple in .github/workflows. Let's create the file .github/workflows/gh_pages.yml.

Our workflow should run every time we push to the main branch:

name: GitHub Pages
    branches: main

It's also gonna need write-access to our repository, so it can make a commit where the finished website will be stored. Don't worry, that commit won't be polluting the main branch.

  contents: write

We're gonna have a single job to run in the default Ubuntu environment:

    name: Deploy GitHub Pages
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Now we need to define the steps to run. The first step is the same for almost all workflows: uses: actions/checkout to get access to the code of the repository itself.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

Next up we'll use Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 to cache our build. This will speed up future builds quite a bit, because dependencies won't have to download and compile every time.

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2

The rest is basically just bash scripting:

      - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
      - run: |
          rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
          cd paekli-web
          wget -qO- | tar -xzf-
          ./trunk build --release --public-url /paekli-rs
          mv dist ../docs
          git config --global "GitHub Actions Bot"
          git config --global "bot@invalid.local"
          git checkout -b gh-pages
          git add ../docs
          git commit --message "GitHub Pages Deployment"
          git push --force --set-upstream origin gh-pages

If you prefer, you can put this script in a regular .sh file in your repository so it can be tested more easily.

Let's explain a couple things that might not be obvious:

  • wasm32-unknown-unknown is needed to compile Rust to WebAssembly.
  • The wget command downloads a binary of trunk into the current directory.
  • The --public-url /rust-exercises is necessary because our website is not located at the root path of the domain.
  • We move the dist folder to rust-exercises/docs because that's where GitHub Pages expects our website to be located for deployment.
  • The git configuration of username and email is irrelevant, these commits will be overwritten regularly.
  • Lastly, we force push the built website to a branch called gh-pages. More on that next.

Enabling GitHub Pages

  1. go to GitHub
  2. navigate to your repo
  3. go to the "Settings" tab
  4. click on "Pages" in the sidebar
  5. under "Source", "Deploy from a branch" should already be selected
  6. under "Branch", change "None" to "gh-actions" and "/ (root)" to "/docs"

And that should be it! With this configuration, GitHub Pages will look inside the /docs directory of your repository on the gh-actions branch for a website to deploy.


Go to to enjoy the fruit of your labor!