
Initializing a new package

We're going to keep our CLI in the directory paekli-rs/. Here are the commands to let cargo bootstrap it:

cd paekli-rs
cargo new paekli-cli

You should now have two new files:

  • paekli-cli/Cargo.toml
  • paekli-cli/src/ is the case with any new executable Rust package.

Also note that the members key of the top-level Cargo.toml should have been modified automatically to include your new package:

# rust-exercises/Cargo.toml
members = ["day_?/*", "paekli-rs/paekli-cli"]

That's perfectly fine. We didn't worry much about cargo workspaces in this workshop, which is what that top-level Cargo.toml defines. They simply give you some quality-of-life improvements for managing multiple packages in a single project / repository.

Shipping the first version

Before we add any features, we need to make sure we can ship our software efficiently. Let's just change the print statement in the main function for now:

fn main() {
    println!("Paekli LLC is currentli closed 😢");

Remembering the release-workflow we've already seen during the workshop, all we have to do is commit our changes and push a new version tag. You have probably already "used" some version tags in your repository, so just pick the next higher one to release the first version of paekli-cli, for example v0.1.2.

# paekli-cli/Cargo.toml
version = "0.1.2"
git add --all
git commit
git push
git tag v0.1.2
git push --tags


That should do the trick! It's still a good idea to keep an eye on the release job on GitHub and try out the finished executable manually.